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Hitesh Sharma

  • Android developer || Web developer
    1. Android developer || Web-developer
    2. Student at Jaipur Engineering College and Research Center
    3. Computer Science
    4. living in jaipur
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    About Me :

    1. My name is Hitesh Sharma.
      I am a young boy with a dynamic and hardworking personality. I posses good communication skills and a good hold on my technical skills.
    2. Mail I'd : hiteshsharma9116@gmail.com
    3. Mobile No. : 9116335601
    4. Linkedin Id : linked in id

    Technologies :

    1. Web-development
    2. Andriod development

    Programing Skills :

    Other skills :

    • C
    • C++
    • Html5
    • CSS3
    • Xml
    • Python
    • Java
    • Javascript
    • Nodejs
    • Firebase
    • SQL
    • Mongodb